milestoneBased Passes Security Audit — Scores a Risk Level of “High Confidence”
milestoneBased, the first company to leverage a blockchain DAO and escrow smart contracts to dramatically improve the startup funding and collaboration process, has announced favorable results of its security audit. Vidma, a specialized blockchain security audit company, undertook an audit of the token and vesting contracts and awarded the company a risk level of “high confidence.” They stated in their report that the contracts are “fully operational, production ready and have no security issues.” They further stated that “both contracts are in excellent condition and are well written”. The report concluded that no issues were found.
The audit results come just before the MILE token starts trading on Pancake Swap decentralized exchange for its IDO debut on Thursday, March 24th at 4pm GMT, London, UK time. The audit provides a level of assurance to potential token holders that the platform is production-ready and safe to use.
The audit report can be viewed on the Vidma web site
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About milestoneBased:
milestoneBased is on a mission to fix a legacy system of VC capital inefficiency by revolutionizing collaboration on milestone management between crypto investors and startups. We are the first company to leverage a blockchain DAO and escrow smart contract capabilities, in an automated governance and milestone achievement management platform. Early-stage investors achieve greater capital and process efficiency, improved security and transparency, and data-driven insights, for a faster path to liquidity and monetization of deployed funds. Startup teams become milestone focused and motivated for strengthened performance.