milestoneBased Announces Partnership with Agera Ventures for Follow-on Growth Capital of up to $150K per Project

3 min readSep 9, 2022


San Francisco, CA, September 9th, 2022 — milestoneBased, the blockchain-powered collaboration platform that dramatically improves milestone and funding collaboration between crypto startups and investors, has announced a partnership with Dubai-based and Web3 focused investor, Agera Ventures.

Under the partnership, Agera Ventures will evaluate the top 10% of startups that apply for the milestoneBased Grants for Roadmaps program to assess potential for follow-on funding and scale-up help. They plan to deploy $50K to $150K USD per project to the best projects meeting their investment criteria.

“Agera Ventures enables the decentralized world by investing in innovative Web3 projects in multiple areas of crypto,” says Shawn Munir, Founder and CEO of Agera Ventures. “We are pleased to partner with milestoneBased and their Grant program to identify some top projects and teams for follow-on investment and our mentorship to help empower their success.”

“We are excited to have Agera Ventures join our investor ecosystem and support the Grants for Roadmaps program by evaluating the top teams for additional funding.” said Ian Arden, Founder and CEO of milestoneBased. “Agera Ventures has a stellar background and portfolio of leading projects such as Casper Labs and Animal Concert; they are positioned to add exceptional value to help projects grow.”

Under the Grants for Roadmaps program launched in July, up to three grants of $20,000 will be awarded to the best qualified projects at the end of every quarter starting in September. A total of $240,000 USD is available for up to 12 startups over the next four quarters over 2022/23. Winning teams receive specialized acceleration perks on top of the regular benefits of being part of the milestoneBased ecosystem, these include mentorship services, operational guidance, connections, and follow-on funding opportunities with partners like Agera.

To qualify, a startup must register and list their project’s roadmap/milestones on the milestoneBased platform, fill out the contest entry form, and do a social media post.

More contest information and to sign up go to

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About milestoneBased:

milestoneBased is on a mission to fix a legacy system of VC capital inefficiency by revolutionizing collaboration on milestone management between crypto investors and startups. We are the first company to leverage a blockchain DAO and escrow smart contract capabilities, in an automated governance and milestone achievement management decentralized tech platform. Early-stage investors achieve greater capital and process efficiency, improved security and transparency, and data-driven insights, for a faster path to liquidity and monetization of deployed funds. Startup teams get access to an investor community and become milestone focused and motivated for strengthened performance.

About Agera Ventures:

Agera Ventures is an investment partnership that invests in technical teams that build and reinforce the decentralised web. We nourish scalable blockchain architectures providing support from the technical side (mechanism design, smart contract security, engineering) to the operational (recruiting, regulatory strategy). We invest in all areas of crypto, including new ideas that don’t have names or categories yet.




Revolutionizing milestone management and capital efficiency for crypto investors and startups, using the power of a blockchain DAO and smart contracts.