A Call to Web3 Key Opinion Leaders & Experts

3 min readDec 19, 2023


Are you a Key Opinion Leader, Expert, or Advisor in the Web3 and Digital Assets Industry? We invite you to enhance and monetize your personal brand with milestoneBased and the entire $MILE ecosystem, at the forefront of next-generation Web3 projects. Let us lay out the opportunities that milestoneBased creates for you, and we await your feedback as explained below:

Exciting Multi Level Rewards Awaiting You

Get ready for our 3-Level Rewards Program:

  • Generous Rewards: Earn 7% of the stake for each user you bring to our platform. Plus, receive 5% for users they refer, and 3% for the next level of referrals.
  • The Power of Exponential Growth: We know that you as someone extremely influential and with the reach are excited about this as the exponential growth of your referral network can benefits you.

The Reward Pool of $1,000,000 worth of $MILE tokens is allocated for the Tiered Staking program.

Get Exclusive Top Projects Airdrops by Participating in Three-Tiered Staking System!

You may have already heard the rumors about our Tiered Staking System, elegant, sustainable, and rewarding for those who are in it for long time.

  • Tier 1: Reserved for the top 5% of stakers, offering exclusive access to the most valuable VIP airdrops. Being Milestone Tier 1, you don’t need to do anything else! Creme de la creme projects will be ending up in your wallets!
  • Tier 2: Aimed at the solid middle class of crypto, this tier provides access to the most liquid and popular partner projects airdrops.
  • Tier 3: A great entry point, offering occasional airdrop access.

Benefits don’t end here! Stakers receive $sMILE, the token that accrues the platform fees over time and so is deflationary by design.

Connect with Promising Startups

As a Web3 expert, you’ll witness and contribute to the growth of numerous projects. This is your opportunity to advise and collaborate with these ventures.

Opportunities as a Certified Partner

Beyond these benefits, become a Certified Partner (subject to additional qualifications) and earn by bringing in new projects. This role opens doors for sustainable advisory relationships and project development support.

What will be Needed from You

  1. Build you super network! Inform your most influential friends about this upcoming opportunity. you will want them to become your direct affiliates! This way all their network will be partially counted as your network too!
  2. Constantly spread the word about milestoneBased, the upcoming airdrops, Think Tanks, Tiered Staking and other perks. If you are a YouTuber we will expect you to publish video reviews, explanatory and educational content!
  3. Participate in the Milestone Awards and Think Tanks, expert discussions in the areas relevant to your experience, which will be reinforcing your brand, but also bring value to startups participating in them.

Take the Next Step

Excited about what milestoneBased offers? Reach out to us at info@milestonebased.com with “Certified Partner Application” as the subject. Include your contact details and a brief introduction.

Join us early and grow with the expanding ecosystem of milestoneBased!

What Happens After You Are Confirmed

As immediate steps after an initial conversation and approval, we will get you ready with all the materials and steps necessary for your success as a Certified Partner.

  1. We will onboard you in the Certified Partner Portal where you will be able to track your startup referral deals.
  2. Get ready — you may be invited as an expert to one of the future Think Tanks
  3. You will be able to share news about milestoneBased on your social media.
  4. You will be queued as a top priority user for the 3-Level Referral System launch so you will have time before it’s announced publicly.




Revolutionizing milestone management and capital efficiency for crypto investors and startups, using the power of a blockchain DAO and smart contracts.